Den Planungsauftrag f?r das Kaiser Friedrich-Museum, das 1956 in Bode-Museum umbenannt wurde, ?bergab Kaiser Wilhelm II. an Oberbaurat Ernst von Ihne, einen der bekanntesten Vertreter des „Wilhelminischen Barock". Um das Geb?ude in seiner optischen Wirkung wie aus dem Wasser aufsteigen zu lassen, gruppierte der Architekt den dreifl?geligen Bau um mehrere Innenh?fe herum direkt an das Spreeufer. Die dominante Kuppel wie auch die zwei opulenten Treppenh?user geben dem Geb?ude die herrschaftliche Ausstrahlung, die auch in den Dekorationselementen wie den monumentalen Pilastern, Halbs?ulen und Fensterrahmungen verfolgt wird.
For the design of the Kaiser Friedrich-Museum (renamed Bode Museum in 1956), the emperor Wilhelm II commissioned the head government building officer Ernst von Ihne, one of the best-known exponents of "Wilhelminian Baroque". In order to achieve the appearance of a building rising from water the architect arranged the three-winged building around several interior courtyards so that the exterior facades immediately bordered the banks of the river Spree. A dominating dome and two opulent staircases lend the building a stately air which is underlined further by the decorative elements such as the monumental pilasters, demi-columns and window surrounds. The former general director of the museums Wilhelm von Bode himself made suggestions concerning the lighting of the rooms and their proportioning. The art works were shown within the context of original ceilings, fire places, door jambs, tapestries and furniture. Bodes presentation concept, aimed at a general effect of authenticity, was influential throughout the world.
Video: Felix von Boehm /
Musik: Kurt Widorski